What to Stack with Adderall?

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Adderall is currently the 27th most-prescribed drug in the U.S. It was developed to treat ADHD and narcolepsy and has become better known for its “unintended” uses. These include uses as a mood enhancer, enhancing sports performance, increasing endurance, and weight loss. It is also used as a cognitive enhancer or nootropic.

Because of its side effects and shortfalls, Adderall is often stacked with supplements to address particular issues. First, let’s get a basic understanding of Adderall and how it works. Then we will take a look at some of the best options for what you can stack with Adderall to make it more effective. So without further ado, we will jump right in!

What Is Adderall and How Does It Work?

Adderall is an amphetamine-class drug. Amphetamines can be addictive and should be taken seriously. That said, if used sensibly, they can significantly enhance the quality of a user’s life.

Adderall has two effects on the brain. Firstly, it activates dopamine and norepinephrine. Secondly, it causes the release of serotonin, epinephrine, histamine, and various neuropeptides. The effects last for about 10 hours but decline noticeably after four.

In the case of ADHD, patients have low levels of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine until they are stimulated by something, and then their levels spike abnormally.

In low doses, Adderall has the effect of stabilizing the neurotransmitters and calming the person dealing with ADHD.


ADHD patients take very low doses that have almost no side effects and little chance of addiction. Typically, these doses are around 5mg of immediate-release or 10mg of extended-release. Mydayis is the extended-release version of Adderall.

Recreational users or those using it as a performance enhancer or nootropic might take more than 20mg. At this dosage, it is highly addictive and produces side effects like erratic moods, sleeplessness, accelerated heart rate (tachycardia), headaches, sweating, and twitchiness.

The way to approach the use of Adderall, whatever the reason, is to maximize benefits and minimize side effects – get the most you can, from the least you can. That’s where stacking comes in.

Adderall 1

What to Stack with Adderall?

L-Theanine is an amino acid that has a positive calming effect on the brain. When paired with Adderall, it reduces the mental loss of focus so that you can enjoy the physical boost. Take 200mg with your Adderall.

L-Tyrosine is also an amino acid that is the primary building block of dopamine. Therefore, it works faster with Adderall. If taken with Adderall, it increases its effects, which is not recommended.

Taking a dose of 500 – 1000mg of L-tyrosine 4 hours after taking Adderall can extend the effect. Another 500 – 1000mg between 12 and 24 hours after that replenishes tyrosine levels and avoids the dopamine “crash” that happens after Adderall wears off.

A suggested dose would usually be taken first thing in the morning.

Caffeine has similar side effects to Adderall and can be used to boost it. Taking 40 – 100mg or less can be useful if you’re tired and need to stay awake, but caffeine can also invoke complete insomnia. Always take it more than 10 hours before you want to sleep. L-theanine is a good addition to this stack – take it with the caffeine and Adderall and again when you go to sleep.

Withanolides, the active ingredient in Ashwagandha, moderates stimulants and has a sedative effect. Take 10 – 30mg of withanolides for cognitive enhancement and 30 – 50mg to aid sleep.

Nicotine is used for weight loss and as a nootropic. Alone, it is non-addictive and not over-stimulating, but it can cause nausea if you don’t smoke. Start with a 3 – 4mg half-patch. Remember to remove it 2 – 3 hours before sleep and make sure you don’t forget to eat. Don’t use it for ADHD.

Magnesium has an immediate calming effect but is also a laxative. Take it before bed, in response to anxiety, or with stimulants that cause anxiety. Take between 100 – 400mg. Vitamin D and E build up slowly over weeks.

Vitamin D is vital to health. Take between 2,000 – 5,000iu/day of vitamin D3, not D2.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Take 50 – 200mg per day.

Zinc enhances Adderall. Take at least 15 – 30mg per day (men) or 10 – 20mg (women) and reduce your Adderall dosage by one-third.

When Should Adderall Be Avoided?

The effects of Adderall can cause harm to people with hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, an overactive thyroid, or glaucoma. It can also severely exacerbate symptoms of anxiety. You should also exercise caution if you have Tourette’s syndrome, seizures, epilepsy, circulatory issues, existing or prior mental illness, or a history of substance use.

Final Thoughts

Adderall is a powerful and potentially habit-forming amphetamine-class drug. Its effects can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on your situation and dosage. Stacking Adderall with complementary supplements can help to overcome adverse side effects. However, you should always consult your doctor before starting a new supplement regime.

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