Best Nootropics for Gaming & eSports: 2021’s Best Picks

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Gaming has changed over the last few decades and has become an industry that not only is in every home but has become competitive as well. Sometimes you work as a team, and sometimes you work alone, but one thing is for sure: it can be intense. The stress and long hours can wreak havoc on your mental facilities and your overall health. But there are ways to help reduce the risk of burning yourself out and elevate your experience…nootropics.

These are supplements that help improve cognitive functions and boost other aspects of brain functions as well. They are a great alternative to those energy drinks that gamers of the past lived on. With games becoming more and more involved, having an alert and fast-acting brain can come in handy and give any gamer or eSports athlete an edge.

But which one of the many options will help improve functions and skills that are important for gamers? After all, you need to find one that can be used by itself or to create an amazing nootropic stack that can help improve your reflexes and reactions. A good nootropic should also whelp with the following:

  • Enhanced vision
  • Increased thinking and learning
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Decreased physical pain
  • Optimized focus and attention
  • Increased energy

These are the features we looked at when we chose the nootropics we will be looking at below. Of course, all the supplements that we chose have been proven to increase brain, body, and vision capabilities. Most of them will significantly help those gamers that spend hours playing for a living.

In this review, we will take a look at a few options we think are the best nootropics for gaming & eSports. So if you are interested, let’s press play and see what we have for you.

Best Nootropics For Gaming & eSports Reviews


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The first nootropic we suggest for gaming and eSports is L-Tyrosine. It is a compound used to increase catecholamine neurotransmitters, which makes it perfect for gamers.


  • Nootropic regulates dopamine, which helps with motor skills
  • Capable of helping create flow states
  • Becomes more effective the more cognitive demand increases
  • Improves memory and quick thinking

Gaming can be stressful and can be hard on the prefrontal cortex of the brain. When this is the problem, you want a supplement that helps form catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine. L-tyrosine can be helpful when used before a game. This nootropic helps elevate dopamine, which is vital for helping maximize your memory and decision-making abilities.

Along with this, L-tyrosine also helps with concentration, which is important when playing a game that is involved and requires strategy. All the benefits you get from this nootropic are the enhancement to the gamer’s multitasking capabilities and flexibility.

Now there are a few issues that you should be aware of. There are some that may experience mood changes and become more agitated. Also, the nootropic has been known to cause agitation if you have high blood pressure.


  • Increases alertness for long gaming sessions
  • Mental performance like concentration is increased
  • Improves cognitive flexibility for enhanced multitasking
  • Helps increase concentration and attentiveness


  • Some people experience feelings of agitation
  • May stimulate the cardiovascular system and cause an abnormal heart rate


Bacopa Monnieri

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The next nootropic that might be handy for gamers to invest in is Bacopa Monnieri. This herb that has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine has a lot of great benefits that could potentially bring a lot to the game.


  • Has been shown to boost multiple facets of brain function
  • Full of antioxidants that will help you fight off illness and stay healthy
  • Can help with motor skills and learning rate
  • Has been shown to help with restlessness and self-control

For ages, this herb has been recommended to help with memory and retention of knowledge. The compound within the nootropic also helps with cognitive skills, and all of that can be very helpful for gamers. There are so many benefits that can be used to elevate a gamer’s gaming experience and skills.

Some of these include better spatial learning processing of visual information and focus. But with all of that, there is also the point that Bacopa monnieri helps lower blood pressure. This will reduce stress and allow for a calmer player, even in stressful situations.

But you will need to start using this nootropic well before the big tournament. This may be the biggest downside to using this nootropic; it will take time to build up in your system. Furthermore, some have had issues with an irritable digestive system if this nootropic is taken on an empty stomach. No one wants that mid-battle!


  • Helps improve spatial learning and retention of information
  • Improves the speed of pressing of visual information
  • Memory and focus are enhanced when using
  • Potentially lowers high blood pressure, which allows calmer moods


  • Results will take a while to be seen
  • Irritable bowel syndrome if taken on an empty stomach



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This next nootropic may well be the most popular and efficient nootropic for gamers. The capability of the supplement to improve brain cell health is sure to help improve your gaming ability.


  • Helps reduce the effects of age on brain functions
  • When combined with the caffeine in a stack, helps increase energy
  • Can help increase the thinking ability of its user
  • Enhanced attention, impulse control, and nervousness

For those gamers that need a little more alertness and energy, then trying PS is a great decision. This nootropic helps with both of these traits and a ton more things that will help gamers have a wholly different experience and stay healthy. You can also use this nootropic to help with concentration and the ability to memorize patterns and text.

The use of this nootropic also can improve the vision of gamers. But the benefits don’t stop there; recall and mood are both enhanced as well. This nootropic is the core ingredient in the health of brain cell membranes, and because of this, any gamer would be smart to include it in their routine.

There are a few issues that might be good to know about before you opt to use this nootropic. The nootropic has been known to cause serious insomnia with prolonged use. Though this might seem good at first, it can impact your health greatly. There are also chances that it will not play well with medications or supplements you are taking. So make sure you consult someone or do plenty of research before beginning to take the nootropic.


  • Nootropic helps give you energy and increase alertness
  • Helps gamers concentratee on the tasks at hand
  • Enhances the vision of the gamers
  • May helps with memorization capabilities of gamers


  • Can lead to a serious bout of insomnia
  • May have some interactions with other herbal supplements and medications


Magnolia Bark Extract


This herbal nootropic has been used in Chinese medicine and helps with sleep habits and to relieve stress as well as elevate mood. The unique compounds found in this bark are compounds known as neolignans, and this helps instill tons of great benefits on this option.


  • The extract helps reduce levels of cortisol to decrease stress
  • Improved cellular function health
  • Extract enhances feelings and moods
  • Nootropic contains compounds that promote healthy sleep cycles

Sleep and your immune system may seem strange factors to consider when thinking of a nootropic that will improve your health and gaming skills. But sleep is vital to maintain brain health and it gives your body a chance to heal. So finding a nootropic that can help create quality sleep and that has the ability to make falling asleep easier is important. Plus, magnolia bark is natural, which means that there are no ill effects on your health.

The nootropic will boost your immune system. This will help you stave off illness and fatigue, which could affect your gameplay. Being in good overall health is vital to being able to handle long hours of intense play. On top of that, the supplement will boost mood and energy.

But before you jump into adding this to your supplements, you should consult a physician as it may not work well with other medications. Also, unlike many supplements, many have reported it works better when taken on an empty stomach.


  • Improves sleep quality and ease of falling asleep
  • Does not have any adverse effects on the human body
  • Can help keep immune health which is good for overall health
  • The supplement helps boost mood for more energy


  • If you take medication, consult your physician
  • May need to be taken on an empty stomach



The last nootropic for gamers is one that may be more familiar to you with its other name…turmeric. It is a powerful herbal remedy that brings with it a lot of health benefits.


  • Combats long term inflammation
  • Helps fights against free radicals and contaminates
  • Reduces buildup of protein plaque in the brain
  • Can be used to combat depression

The less stress that you feel when gaming, the more focused and effective your skills will be. So finding a nootropic that will help as an anti-anxiety supplement like curcumin is a great option. But that is not the only benefit that the nootropic brings to the gamer or eSport player. It also helps increase brain-derived neurotrophic factors. This attribute helps improve memory and intelligence.

On top of all that, the herbal supplement is high in antioxidants, which will decrease pain and inflammation. Nerves are a part of the game as well, and that can lead to an upset stomach. However, this supplement can be used to help with stomach issues and pains.

All of that is great, but there are some flaws with the supplement. The use of this herb may reduce the absorption of iron. Along with this, curcumin does have the ability to lower blood sugar, and if you have diabetes, this might be a problem.


  • Can act as an anti-anxiety supplement
  • Increases BDNF for optimized memory and intelligence
  • Antioxidant-rich to help with body inflammation
  • Can help combat stomach issues and pains


  • May cause improper absorption of iron
  • A tendency to decrease blood sugar levels


Final Thoughts

Many people may look at gaming and not realize the stress serious and professional gaming puts on a human body. Not only physical but mental and cognitive functions are affected by the long hours of play and constant need for focus and attention. Unfortunately, the struggle is real, so having access to supplements like nootropics can help reduce these negative effects is a nice thing to have.

We hope that the information we put together in this quick guide will be helpful to the gamers out there looking for something to help them improve their game and stay healthy. There are other options out there, but the nootropics we looked at above are the ones we think can benefit you the most.

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