Best Nootropics for Sleep

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In a world where being busy has become a status symbol, some people put sleep to the side. However, a lack of sleep – or rest in general – can cause serious health setbacks. 

People who realize the importance of sleep or suffer from insomnia and restlessness talk about mindfulness and self-care. Even though we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, it often seems that getting to sleep and staying that way is increasingly difficult. 

As such, many individuals are turning to nootropics to help them get deeper and more rejuvenating sleep. 

What to Consider Before Buying Nootropics for Sleep


Now, when people hear nootropics, most probably associate them with supplements that help you wake up and concentrate. However, nootropics cover any prescription drugs, dietary supplements, or synthetic compounds that improve mental abilities. 

One often overlooked area that falls into the category of mental skills is sleep. As such, there are numerous nootropics for sleep on the market. Perhaps the most well-known sleep nootropic is natural melatonin. Since it is so popular, we have included five extra sleep nootropics for you. 

Before we look at them, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.


The nootropics below have varying concentrations, many leaning towards the higher end of the spectrum. Many people frequently look for the highest concentrations to ensure desired results, but you may want to try a lower dose if you have never taken nootropics before. 

Test to see how your body interacts with the compounds. While these nootropics are for sleeping, if you take too much for your body, you may experience counterproductive effects, like a racing heartbeat. 

The best option would be to talk to your doctor beforehand and consider other medications you are currently taking.

Desired Effects

Nootropics for sleep can influence different areas of the brain and body. Read each product description carefully before purchasing to ensure you get the desired effects.

For example, some nootropics improve your mood, therefore reducing stress and improving sleep latency. Others have various properties, such as an immune booster and pain relief. If you have trouble with repeatedly waking up at night, look for one that helps regulate the circadian rhythm.

The Best Nootropics for Sleep

With all that information in mind, we looked at various nootropics, studying the ingredients searching for the best sleep aids. Here are our top five options.

1. Ashwagandha

  • Improves sleep latency and efficiency
  • Used in traditional Indian and African medicinal treatments
  • Clinically-proven results
  • Adaptogen, or a plant that reduces stress

Also known as Withania somnifera, this adaptogenic herb puts stress back where it belongs, away, and you in a balanced, restful space. Indian Ayurvedic medicine and African traditional medicine also use the herb to treat stress and other health issues. Western medicine has also clinically studied the herb and found support for relief from mental, emotional, and physical stress, along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Naturally, if you help your body relax, it improves your chances of getting to sleep, and ashwagandha is one of the best nootropics for sleep. While ashwagandha supplements relieve stress and anxiety symptoms, they also boost sleep quality and show promise for alleviating insomnia too. 

In one 2019 study, those who took full spectrum ashwagandha, the root extract, for ten weeks twice daily revealed more significant improvements across several sleep markers than those in the placebo group. Those who took 600 mg of ashwagandha every day showed better sleep latency (that means how long it takes you from lying down to being completely asleep) and sleep efficiency. Upon waking, those who took ashwagandha also showed improvements in sleep quality and alertness.

  • Anti-stress and antidepressant
  • Improves alertness when awake
  • Includes antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Relaxes the body to help you achieve better sleep
  • Sleep effects may take several weeks
  • Powerful concentration

2. Tulsi

  • Offers numerous benefits, including anticancer, antidepressant, and antispasmodic features
  • Helps reduce stress levels to allow peaceful rest
  • Improves social mood
  • Balances sleep cycle

Also known as Ocimum tenuiflorum, tulsi comes from the plant family Lamiaceae, also called the “Queen of plants.” Aside from the common name of tulsi, you may also call this plant “holy basil.” 

Tulsi has diverse uses in Ayurvedic medicine, and clinical studies back up this claim: tulsi possesses adaptogenic, anticancer, antifungal, antidepressant, antispasmodic, analgesic, and cardioprotective action. 

In addition to all that, it helps the mind and body cope with stress and get rest. In one study, participants who took 500 mg of tulsi extract daily reported feeling more social and less stressed and exhausted.

With a touch of honey, tulsi makes an excellent tea or tonic to both relax you and induce sleep. Tulsi also helps with balancing your sleep cycle if you have trouble staying asleep or experience restless sleep.

  • Authentic Indian product
  • Organic ingredients
  • Inviting aroma
  • May help reduce pain in addition to bettering sleep
    • Strong tulsi taste

3. Lemon Balm

  • Nootropic contains Cyracos, a natural extract of lemon balm
  • Approved extraction process to ensure the provision of the lemon balm’s active components
  • Promotes serenity
  • Improves memory, mood, and sleep

Also known as Melissa officinalis, lemon balm is a part of the mint family. It is a perennial that grows in scrubby, sandy areas worldwide, from Europe to Central Asia and Iran. Its common names include bee balm and honey balm. You’ll find the lemon-scented perennial in many bee and butterfly sanctuary gardens.

Most people know lemon balm for its beneficial effects on mood, focus, memory, and cognition. Lemon balm also helps with neurodegenerative and neurological conditions. 

While many people take lemon balm for improved memory and concentration, many also take lemon balm tincture to help reduce stress and get a good night’s sleep. It is one of the best nootropics for sleep, as lemon balm helps you reach deep sleep and maintain your circadian rhythm. 

One pilot study found that lemon balm leaf extract helped participants with mild-to-moderate sleep disturbances and anxiety find relief. Anxiety manifestations decreased by 18%, while 70% of participants revealed complete remission of anxiety and associated symptoms, such as sleep disturbances.

  • Tested for identity and purity
  • Impressive anxiety reduction
  • Pleasant lemon scent
  • Helps you maintain circadian rhythm
  • Only in 600 mg concentration, not 300 mg

4. Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)

  • GABA occurs naturally in the brain 
  • Natural nootropic acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter
  • Supplements calm brain activity to reduce stress
  • Helps regulate muscles

Did you know that gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) occurs naturally in the brain as an amino acid? GABA also works as a neurotransmitter, and its most important job is name-appropriate as it “gabs,” or facilitates the communication of brain cells. GABA calms the neuron activity in the central nervous system and brain, promoting a more balanced mood, pain relief, and better sleep. GABA is one of the best nootropics for sleep.

By acting as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, or the “brain’s brakes,” it shifts your body into a lower gear. It has a role in muscle tone regulation as it combines with glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, to help the body reach both physical and mental homeostasis. In other words, GABA helps you naturally achieve total balance.

Many medications are designed to interact with GABA’s receptors to achieve effects that your body needs, such as lowered blood pressure, pain relief, improved sleep, anxiety and stress reduction, and general relaxation. Medications targeting GABA include antidepressants, anesthetics, anti-seizure, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.

Similarly, natural supplements also have a claim on GABA activity to relieve anxiety and stress, induce sleep, and achieve a balanced mood, such as magnesium, valerian, and L-theanine. GABA also appears in the marketplace as a pure supplement. People often use GABA supplements to treat anxiety and stress, induce sleep, and treat high blood pressure.

  • Neurotransmitter that balances mood and sleep
  • Lowers blood pressure and stress level
  • Can reduce pain 
  • Naturally occurring amino acid
  • Concentration may be too high for some

5. L-tryptophan

  • Strengthens the immune system and your body’s absorption of nutrients
  • Converts into serotonin to improve sleep
  • Shortens the time it takes to get to sleep by relaxing the body
  • Encourages better sleep cycles naturally

L-tryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid in the brain. This amino acid makes many vital molecules and proteins for your body. It helps induce sleep in several ways. L-tryptophan converts first into 5-HTP, then 5-HTP becomes serotonin, which helps people sleep and balances their moods. In this way, L-tryptophan lets you relax to encourages the onset of sleep easily and gradually. L-tryptophan is one of the best nootropics for sleep.

Lower in the digestive tract, L-tryptophan becomes melatonin. It forms a natural pathway for the body to increase its production of melatonin and improve sleep quality. By increasing L-tryptophan directly in the blood, both melatonin and serotonin also make significant gains in your body. 

Melatonin primarily influences your circadian rhythm, or the body’s sleep cycle, which also impacts your immune system and the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. By increasing L-tryptophan in your body through your diet, melatonin gets a boost, and in turn, improves sleep.

How much L-tryptophan does it take to get you to sleep? Clinical reviews suggest that just one gram shortly before sleeping can improve sleep latency and mild cases of insomnia. This lower dose won’t affect your alertness level the following day.

Like GABA, L-tryptophan is available as a supplement in the marketplace along with melatonin. Did you know that consuming L-tryptophan-enriched cereal can help you fall asleep more quickly and stay that way? Whether you eat more cereal, take an L-tryptophan supplement, or both, your sleep cycle is about to reach a balance you have never felt before.

  • Helps increase the natural amount of melatonin
  • Stabilizes circadian rhythms
  • Lower doses don’t affect alertness upon waking up
  • Available as a dietary supplement
  • Serving size is three capsules, not one

Key Takeaways

Contrary to popular belief, nootropics aren’t only for brain-boosting power and stimulus. They also can help you reduce stress and anxiety, induce sleep, and remain in bed for a good night’s rest. 

Of course, before taking any of the natural and best nootropics for sleep listed, check with your doctor to see if there are contraindications with any existing conditions or medications you are taking.

We hope this information has provided you with plenty of options to get a better night’s sleep or at least a great place to start your search for sleep nootropics. 

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