Best Racetams of 2021: Which one to Choose?

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When you struggle with focus or memory problems, it can be frustrating. But just because you have these issues does not mean you are stuck with them. There are things you can do and supplements you can take to help with cognitive and/or brain functions.

One of these supplements is nootropics. But like everything else, even amongst nootropics, there are different types. One of the biggest families among these smart drugs is a group that is designed to be used as cognitive enhancers. These nootropics are called racetams.

There are multiple variations among this family, but all are designed to help boost your brain’s capabilities and performance. Though these supplements may not be suitable for long-term effects, they can be a great option if you are looking for a short-term fix.

They can also be used in nootropic stacking to heighten other nootropics and negate some of the more constant side effects they bring to the table. A nootropic stack is when you use two or more in combination to achieve your end goal. These can be used to enhance each other or to negate unwanted side effects.

But which racetams are the best ones? That depends on what you are looking to gain. We have pulled together a few options that we think are some of the best racetams out there today. Below we will take an in-depth look at each, and hopefully, this will help you determine the right one for you.

Best Racetams Reviews


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This racetam has been around since the 1970s and is one of the most water-soluble of the family. Because of this, it comes with tons of additional benefits that other members of the family don’t have.


  • Makes cell membranes more fluid for improved brain functions
  • Improve comprehension in those that suffer from dyslexia
  • Helps with inflammation and pain relief
  • This racetam is water-soluble

There is a lot to be said for one of the oldest iterations of the racetam family. But of all its amazing benefits, its ability to help cell membranes become more fluid is what may make it the best one for memory issues. The fluidity of your cell membranes allows for more blood flow to the brain, which, in turn, helps improve memory over time. It is also responsible for the halting of brain cell degradation.

On top of all of that, this fluidity can affect your physical capacities as well. By elevating the oxygen to your brain, you get better hand-eye coordination and even may see some elevated energy levels. There have also been some that have experienced less stress and anxiety, and in this hectic world, that is always a welcome bonus.

There are, however, some drawbacks when it comes to pramiracetam. The results are there for everyone, but those that are older will get more solid ones than if you are younger. Also, like with many supplements, to see the benefits of this supplement, you will have to let it build up in your system for a bit.


  • Can help improve memory over time
  • Has been shown to help with stopping the degradation of cognitive skills
  • Helps with improving hand-eye coordination
  • Stress and anxiety can be decreased with the use


  • The result of the racetam may be stronger in older individuals
  • Have to build up in the system before results are seen



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The next nootropic member of the racetam family is one that has been around for decades and is used as a brain enhancer. Attributes of this member are similar to the others, but it does have a few unique features.


  • May decrease anxiety levels
  • Helps with serotonin and dopamine turnover
  • Stimulated AMPA receptors for improved cognitive skills
  • Can help with energy and alertness

Aniracetam is a perfect addition if you have a stressful and anxiety-filled life, and you want something to help relieve some of that. This racetam is crafted with the ability to help decrease anxiety levels by promoting a faster and more efficient serotonin and dopamine turnover. This then allows for a quicker mood enhancement and can help you even have more energy.

Along with its ability to help with your mood, it stimulates certain receptors in the brain, giving it some effect in the cognitive range. Some see an increased ability to recall information and memories and even better retention of new information. This interaction with AMPA receptors also helps with focus and attention.

That all sounds great, but there are some issues that you should be aware of before opting for this member of the family. This racetam works better when it is a part of a stack. Also, very rarely, some people have noted that they felt less energetic when using this racetam.


  • Helps improve recall and retention of information
  • Cognitive function and performance are elevated
  • Capable of improving your attention and focus
  • Acts as a quick-acting mood enhancer


  • Not as efficient on its own
  • Some have experienced reduced energy levels



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Fasoracetam is one of the members of this family that vary when it comes to the chemical compound. The interaction of this racetam with the body’s system, therefore, is also very different.


  • Stimulates the level of choline for improved focus
  • Increases GABA receptors to help with mood
  • Has properties that improve memory retention
  • Restores balance to the glutamate system

Fasoracetam is one of those family members that likes to be a bit different than the rest. Though by no means does that mean it doesn’t have some of the same attributes; it just has a different compound, giving it some added benefits.

Like most racetams, it interacts with the level of choline in your body. This helps to provide it with the ability to help increase focus. It also gives it the properties needed to help with the formation of new memories and recall of information.

But it also has a good relationship with the GABA receptors in the brain. These are the neurotransmitters that are partially responsible for mood. Because of this relationship, this racetam has been shown to help with the symptoms of depression. Another great factor is that, like the rest of its family, it plays well in nootropic stacks.

Typically, racetams are known for having some side effects like headaches. This one is no different, and so many have complained of experiencing them while using this. Also, on a wholly different note, some users have noticed a decreased sex drive.


  • Interactions with choline in the body improve concentration
  • The use of this nootropic can help combat depression
  • Helps with memory formation and recall
  • Works well in a nootropic stack


  • Some users experienced severe headaches when using it
  • May negatively affect your sex drive



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The next racetam we will be looking at is piracetam, and it is a nootropic that can be used for many benefits, especially when included in a stack.


  • Improves memory loss in older individuals
  • Can be used to alleviate signs of depression
  • Cognitive functions can be enhanced
  • May help increase short term memory retention

Another of the grandaddy racetams, piracetam, has been around for decades and has developed a good reputation for helping its users in many different ways. One benefit, especially if you’re studying or in a job where you constantly have to be learning, is the fact that it has been shown to help with short-term memory retention.

It also offers improved mental clarity and concentration. These all make this a great option for students. Another factor that really lends itself to students is the fact that this racetam can help give you energy and help improve productivity. That means on those long night, last-minute cram sessions, and you will be able to get the job done.

Now with prolonged use, there have been some that complained that getting to sleep was difficult. This may be troubling if you need to get a good night’s sleep to make that final. Also, there have been some reports of an agitated feeling with consistent use.


  • Can be used to help improve studying skills
  • Mental clarity has shown enhancement when used
  • Productivity is boosted at heightened levels
  • Attentiveness and concentration have been shown to be optimized


  • Use of this racetam may cause insomnia
  • Some signs of agitation in certain individuals



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The last racetam that we will be looking at is coluracetam which is designed to help in particular with studying and learning capabilities.


  • Boosts acetylcholine in the brain for improved learning
  • Improves any damages to the choline uptake system
  • Has been found to help improve learning speed
  • May promote the growth of nerve cells

This is another racetam that is perfect for helping boost your learning skills and capabilities. The biggest plus we see is that it helps with working memory. This, coupled with its ability to enhance retention, recall, and concentration, all make it ideal for students. This is partly due to its ability to mend damages to the choline uptake system and the increase of acetylcholine it gives to the brain.

On top of this, there have been studies that show that it helps with reading comprehension and many other cognitive functions that will be handy when trying to ingest a mass amount of information. All of this, and the fact it potentially helps promote new nerve cell growth in the brain, is why we included it on this list.

But with every positive, there are bound to be a few issues. Unfortunately, this racetam is similar to others. The biggest issue is the headaches, though, with this one, they have been reported to be more severe bordering on the migraine front. Several users have also noted that they felt periodic bouts of nausea and fatigue.


  • Racetam improves working memory
  • Enhances poor memory and learning capabilities
  • Has been shown to  improve recall and reading comprehension
  • Long-lasting precognitive improvement when used


  • Migraines are common when using this racetam
  • An issue with fatigue and periodical nausea


Final Thoughts

Herbal supplements and aids have been used forever to help us with health concerns from physical health to dieting and even to help improve brain functions. If you are looking for an option to help with memory, focus, or even energy and moods, looking into nootropics could be a good choice.

There are many types, and above we have looked at some of the most popular when it comes to racetams. Unlike other types of nootropics, these are more short-term solutions, but as we said above, when used in a nootropic stack, they can have lasting effects.

Each racetam we looked at has their own benefits, and we certainly hope that our in-depth look at each has helped you in your hunt for a supplement that can help elevate your cognitive abilities or help with your overall health.

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