Phenylpiracetam vs Noopept: Which One to Choose?

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The realm of nootropics can be both interesting and frightening to explore. The idea of the smart drug is one that has enticed many, and where once there was none, there is now a burgeoning market for this particular form of medication.

However, because many nootropics are still in their early experimental stages, it can be difficult to gauge their efficacy, especially with the number of smart drugs to choose from. A few names tend to stick out, however, and are commonly cited for their abilities to produce the results consumers desire.

Two such names are Phenylpiracetam and Noopept, both originally developed in Russia as stronger alternatives to the original nootropic, Piracetam. Seeing as how they are both well-regarded in equal measure, it may be difficult to decide which one is truly better and which one will be right for you.

Luckily, you have us on your side. In this article, we are going to go over the differences between these two smart drugs, as well as their similarities, so that you can have a clear idea of which to choose.

What Are These Two Smart Drugs?

Before we get into the specifics of what separates the two smart drugs on display, let us first make sure that we are all on the same page as to what they are and what they do.

What Is Phenylpiracetam?

Phenylpiracetam is a derivative of Piracetam, its parent compound. However, it has a Phenyl ring addition, which makes its effects simpler to cross over the blood-brain barrier. Supposedly, this particular compound is said to be somewhere between 30% and 60% more effective than Piracetam. It was developed in the early 1980s in Russia. There, it is currently in use as a prescribed medication.

Many people use Phenylpiracetam in place of a stimulant, and it is known to be able to increase one’s athletic performance because of its increased levels of Noradrenaline. It is also considered to be able to aid in overcoming amnesia and brain injuries, as well as – interestingly enough – being able to reduce one’s susceptibility to frigid temperatures.

Phenylpiracetam is not considered to be addictive, and its use has gone unregulated in the USA.

What Is Noopept?

Like Phenylpiracetam, Noopept was originally developed in Russia. It is extensively marketed as one of the strongest nootropic supplements to this day. In fact, it is believed to be up to one thousand times more powerful than Piracetam. It is sold as a dietary supplement all throughout the USA and Europe.

Noopept shares many similarities with a variety of different racetams, though it is not considered to be a racetam itself. Further research has found that it not only enhances one’s cognitive function, but it may also act as a supplementary neuroprotective.

What Are Their Side Effects?

Lastly, before we can even begin to recommend either one of these smart drugs, readers should be aware of the side effects the use of these nootropics may present.

Side Effects of Phenylpiracetam

The most significant side effect that can occur with Phenylpiracetam is headaches. Luckily, these can be quickly mitigated by adding Choline. Other side effects (typically caused by bad nootropic stacks) include:

  • Increased irritability and anger
  • Depression
  • Mood swings (emotional instability)
  • Insomnia
  • Fogging

Side Effects of Noopept

Similarly to Phenylpiracetam, the most common side effect of Noopept is headaches. Again, these can be mitigated with the use of Choline. Additionally, the list of other possible side effects is relatively short when compared to Phenylpiracetam. It includes:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia

What Are Their Benefits?

Finally, let us examine how these two smart drugs can benefit their users. There may be some overlap here, but by the end of this section, we are certain that readers will have a clearer idea of which one will be more useful to them. It is important to note that the exact efficacy of these two nootropics will vary from user to user.

Benefits of Phenylpiracetam

Phenylpiracetam is widely used as a mind and body-enhancing supplement, meaning it will affect one’s athletic or physical abilities, as well as their mental faculties. Notable benefits include but are not limited to the following:

Stress relief: For those suffering from depression or anxiety, Phenylpiracetam can help overcome those bouts of creative blockage and lack of productivity by acting as a stimulating tonic for your central nervous system. This optimizes your neural transmissions and quickly reduces the effects of anxiety and stress, as well as boosts your resistance to depression in the long term.

Improved motor function: The use of Phenylpiracetam can stave off the effects of fatigue, even after hours in a stressful and physically demanding environment. This improves your motor function and mobility in the long term, as well, and it can also improve your resistance to depression and anxiety, in general.

Neuroprotective: Though the brain can remain resilient for a long time, it will still slowly deteriorate. The use of Phenylpiracetam can help to mitigate the effects of this process, acting as an anti-amnesiac and neuroprotective stimulant.

Benefits of Noopept

Unlike Phenylpiracetam, the effects of Noopept benefit the mind more than the body. That being said, its cognitive-enhancing properties are nothing to be scoffed at. Some of the more notable benefits of Noopept-use include but are not limited to the following:

Improved memory: Noopept will improve cognitive functionality overall. It stimulates and increases the production of NGF and BDNF – two brain chemicals – in the hippocampus, leading to improved long-term memory and cognition.

Reduced brain fog: Noopept is also documented as having a “cholinosensitizing” effect on the brain, meaning the neuron receptors are much more sensitive and reactive to the incoming acetylcholine. This makes your brain signals travel much faster than before, increasing clarity and priming your mind for mental exercise.

Reduced effects and susceptibility to Alzheimer’s: As a neuroprotective, Noopept can help prevent cell-death amyloid, which is one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s.

Phenylpiracetam vs. Noopept: Is there a Winner of this Battle?

As you can see, both of these widely used and highly regarded smart drugs have their fair share of benefits and side effects. There is no clear “winner” here, and we would suggest consulting your doctor for advice on which one might be best for you.

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