How to Take Noopept: A Beginner’s Guide to Noopept Dosage

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Noopept is a powerful nootropic that has been compared to the drug Bradley Cooper’s character in “Limitless” takes – the fictional NZT 48. User experiences may vary, but optimal results across a broad spectrum of users can be achieved by particular dosage and stacking options. So we will be taking a look at how to take Noopept, but first, let’s do a brief overview of Noopept to see what it is.

A Brief Overview of Noopept

The origins of Noopept lie in the original racetam nootropic, Piracetam. Piracetam was developed in the 1950s as a potential treatment for degenerative brain diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and certain forms of epilepsy. It was subsequently found to possess cognition-enhancing and neuroprotective effects.

Noopept (alternatively known as GVS-111) was developed in Russia and is up to 1,000 times more potent than Piracetam! It has been patented in both Russia and the U.S.

Noopept works by turning into cycloprolylglycine (CPG) in the brain. CPG is a naturally occurring chemical that has great anti-anxiety and antioxidant effects. Benefits experienced from Noopept include improved mood, boosted cognitive performance, and memory enhancement.

Studies show Noopept’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory neuroprotective properties protect against stress and can be useful in reducing anxiety. The supplement has helped manage patients with existing cognitive defects like Alzheimer’s, stroke, epilepsy, and ADHD. Its neuroprotective properties may also protect against Alzheimer’s in users with a genetic predisposition for the disease.

Side effects from Noopept are rare – they can include mild headaches and slight overstimulation.


Noopept is generally regarded as safe for daily use. Start with a dose of 10mg and slowly increase to 40mg if necessary. Be aware that it can take up to a week before benefits are fully experienced.

As your tolerance increases, introduce a second and third dose per day, up to a total daily dose of 120mg. Do not take more than 40mg in any single dose, though.

To prevent tolerance build-up, some users find a break of one to two weeks every 50 to 60 days returns Noopept to full efficacy. Others recommend a more regular cycle of five days on, two days off. Until more is known about the effects of prolonged use on the liver, it is recommended that Noopept isn’t taken for longer than three months at a time.

Note: It’s very typical for nootropics to affect individuals differently. The experience one person gets from 10mg may require 30mg in someone else. A cost-effective strategy is to start and stick with the smallest dosage required to give you the benefits you desire.

How to Take Noopept

Stacking Noopept

Noopept is often stacked with choline, a nutrient that supports cellular growth and metabolism. The combination helps to prevent headaches and seems to offer an improved overall result.

  • Using Alpha GPC as your choline source, create your own stack on a 1:20 ratio. Try starting with 20mg Noopept and 400mg Alpha GPC.
  • You can also use Citicoline as your choline source, with a ratio of 1:30. In which case, start with 20mg Noopept and 600mg Citicoline.

Noopept can also be stacked with other nootropics. A stack of Noopept and Piracetam reportedly offers a more substantial cognitive boost than either supplement on their own.

In this case, start low, with 10mg of Noopept and 1.6g of Piracetam. Add 200mg Alpha GPC to prevent headaches if you wish.

You can work your way up to 40mg of Noopept, 4.8g of Piracetam, and 800mg of Alpha GPC if necessary.

Liquid, Powder, or Capsule?

Noopept comes in liquid, powder, or capsule form. The liquid is taken sublingually (under your tongue), which helps it get into your bloodstream faster. Most people find that Noopept is activated quite quickly once ingested, so this isn’t absolutely necessary.

The powder is cheaper and makes dosage easier to control. It doesn’t readily dissolve, but you can swallow it with a glass of water or juice to disguise the taste. If you are just starting with Noopept and still need to work out what dosage is preferable, you should probably stick to the powder format.

Capsules are easier (some even come pre-stacked with choline), but their dosages are fixed, and they can be expensive. If you’ve found one with your ideal dosage and aren’t overly budget-conscious, then convenience may win out.

Where to Buy Noopept

Noopept is not generally available in “brick and mortar” health or supplement stores. When buying from an online store, be sure to check their references and reviews to be sure you’re getting the genuine product.


Noopept is quickly becoming the nootropic of choice worldwide and is also one of the most affordable. It is significantly more potent than Piracetam and other members of the racetam family. If these latter brands have failed to satisfy you, you should give Noopept a try.

Before trying any supplements, consult your physician, and always stick to the recommended dosages.

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