L Theanine and Caffeine vs Adderall: A Comparison Guide

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The processes and hidden potential of the human mind have long remained a mystery to us. Supposedly, our brains have some kind of hidden power that – if we were only able to tap into this fountain of potential – might provide the key to the locked doors we have been trapped behind for all this time.

Perhaps there is nothing there, after all. Perhaps there is no secret catharsis that has been tantalizingly kept out of our reach. Perhaps those locked doors lead nowhere. Either way, it is certainly worth finding out for sure, and the fledgling world of nootropics is just the place to go if you are on a quest for the answers that have escaped you for all this time.

When you first enter this strange new realm of smart drugs, your first stop might be to pick up some Adderall. It is a name we all recognize, but before you go for this option, we would suggest that you investigate some alternatives instead. If you have read the title of this article (which is clearly going through some sort of identity crisis), then you know exactly where this is going.

Read on to find out all you need to know about the L Theanine and Caffeine super-combo, as well as how it holds up against the Adderall behemoth.

All About Adderall

Adderall is a name that gets thrown around a lot, and it is so often used that it has effectively become a mainstay of popular culture. What exactly does it do, though? What makes it many people’s go-to choice for brain-enhancing goodness? Worry not – we are going to answer each of those questions and more in the section below.


So, What is Adderall?

Chemically speaking, Adderall is a combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It is a stimulant – a prescription drug mostly used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. Like any drug, it alters your natural brain chemistry, specifically by enhancing the effects of chemicals such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

For laymen, this may all sound like Greek, but in essence, Adderall can give you the boost that your brain needs when it needs it most. It is meant to be used as a medication, not for recreation. Even so, Adderall comes with a bevy of different side effects that you should be aware of, and these side effects can make other supplements look far more appealing.

The Side Effects of Adderall

When taken in the right dosage and with the right prescription, Adderall can definitely provide some great benefits. Still, you may encounter a few side effects, some of which may prove to be seriously debilitating.

The side effects of Adderall include:

  • Nervousness and restlessness
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep
  • Impaired vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Hoarseness
  • Slow or slurred speech

These potential side effects alone may be enough to convince someone to stay far away from Adderall. Still, there remain side effects that are even more severe, including:

  • Uncontrollable shaking, twitchiness, and other tics
  • Hallucinations and paranoia (seeing things that are not there, in general)
  • Worsening mental health conditions

If those were not bad enough, the abuse of Adderall (i.e., using the drug recreationally or not following the recommended dosage) can lead to even more severe side-effects, such as the following:

  • Feelings of unease
  • Sleep disorders, such as insomnia or – ironically enough – narcolepsy
  • Severe hunger throughout the day
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Panic attacks
  • Suicidal thoughts

Now that you are aware of all the serious and damaging side effects the use of Adderall may have, you may wonder why such a drug could ever have become so popular in the first place. As we have said before, though, Adderall can definitely provide some great benefits when used in moderation and with the right dosage.

Many people who have lived with ADHD or narcolepsy their whole lives have acknowledged that Adderall can definitely help them cope with these conditions.

If you plan on using Adderall, be sure to visit your physician to get their insight and always follow the directions for use that they give you. Otherwise, you may be interested in a different sort of supplemental stimulant.

L Theanine and Caffeine

While you may not have heard about this particular combination yet, L Theanine and Caffeine is quickly becoming one of the most popular mental stimulants out there. Many people are said to prefer this supplement to Adderall because of how “natural” it is. Does it hold up, though? Let’s take a look.


What Are the Benefits of L Theanine and Caffeine?

Similar to Adderall, this combination of chemicals can have a positive effect on your mental acuity, provided it is taken in the right dosage. Some of the positive benefits it provides include.

  • Increased mental focus
  • Better concentration and a longer attention span
  • Improved mood
  • Higher sense of alertness
  • Quicker reaction times
  • Improved overall energy

With these benefits in mind, it is easy to see why many who live with ADHD gravitate towards this particular supplement.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Another benefit of the use of this combination of L Theanine and Caffeine is the lack of side effects that it poses. Currently, there have been no reported cases of overdosing or worsened mental health conditions when using this supplement. However, because it uses caffeine, following general coffee-drinking guidelines can help mitigate some of those effects. In general, however, you will not experience any sort of relapse, addiction, or dependency on this supplement.


It is clear that there is a far more ideal choice when it comes to Adderall or L Theanine and Caffeine. While the latter probably will not replace the use of the former completely, the obvious benefits and lack of harmful side effects can make it a safer alternative to those who do not want to try their luck with Adderall.

Just remember that, no matter which one you choose, you should always take them in moderation. Follow the recommended dosages and listen to your doctor, and you will be fine.

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