Phenylpiracetam Review

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  • The product has limited side effects and low toxicity
  • Capable of being used as a stimulant and stress reliever
  • In the US, there is no prescription needed
  • Produces high bioavailability in the brain
  • Many have had great results from using it


  • After extended use, you may build a tolerance to the effects
  • When used in powder form, the product is very bitter

Nootropics have been seeing a rise in use and popularity all across the globe. There are so many different types to choose from though, and you have to do a lot of research before opting for one or using it to create a stack. These drugs are sometimes called “smart drugs” and have several different families of products that fall under its umbrella. One of these is racetams.

These are some of the most popular varieties of nootropics, and among them, you will find Phenylpiracetam. This is the racetam that we will be taking an in-depth look at below. Hopefully, by laying out the information on this drug, you will be able to determine if it is the right one for your needs.

Phenylpiracetam Review

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Though this nootropic is just becoming popular, its story goes all the way back to 1983. This drug was created by Russian scientists who were tasked with the mission of helping their cosmonauts become more focused and to boost their cognitive skills. Along with these factors, the scientists were also instructed to find a way to combat the emotional effects of space missions and all the stress the cosmonauts were put under.

The stints were successful, and hence Phenylpiracetam was born. They created a cognitive enhancing compound that was way more potent than its base nootropic, Piracetam. This drug has shown remarkable results in optimized cognitive abilities and has been noted to have some pretty good results when it comes to depression and anxiety.

Note: In the US, the drug has not been approved by the FDA and is classified as an uncontrolled substance. There is no need for prescriptions. However, this may not be the case in every country, so before you opt for this nootropic, check your countries laws.

Who is This Nootropic For?

Phenylpiracetam has a lot of great features and is really helpful for many different people. The nootropic is a psychostimulant in the vein of Adderall. This means that if you are someone who has problems focusing and with your concentration, it is a great choice. Individuals that are in college or having to study consistently to keep up with the ever-evolving industry they work in may find this a great addition to their routine.

Like its base Piracetam, the nootropic has also shown signs of helping with anxiety and depression. It can help with your motivation and energy too. So if you are someone who is always on the go and struggles with bouts of depression, including Phenylpiracetam in your daily routine could be a smart choice.

Overview of Benefits and Features

There are a lot of great benefits that you can take advantage of when using this nootropic. Here are a few of the big ones:

  • Relieves stress
  • Increases mobility & motor functions
  • Reduces degenerative mental conditions
  • Improves memory
  • Heightens focus and concentration
  • May prevent seizures (some studies have shown)
  • Potential weight loss

All these benefits come from the nootropic’s interaction with the brain. Phenylpiracetam is a combination of Piracetam and a phenyl group. This combination gives it all the benefits of its parent nootropic but with a better absorption thanks to the inclusion of the phenyl group.

The use of this nootropic helps boost serotonin, GABA, and dopamine in your brain, which is what helps balance your mood and helps with anxiety. It also helps get your NMDA and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors running, and this is how it helps with your memory and cognitive functions.

Phenylpiracetam also helps block dopamine transporters so that your brain retains more dopamine, improving our overall mood. Along with this, the nootropic helps with the production of new brain cells and the development of current ones. On top of boosting alpha and beta waves in the brain, all of this helps develop its ability to help with all cognitive skills.

Now, like with all drugs, there are potential side effects. Here are the primary ones that you should look for:

  • Headaches
  • Brain fog
  • Sleeplessness
  • Mood swings

These side effects are usually due to interactions with other substances or preexisting conditions. So we suggest making sure to consult a physician before adding Phenylpiracetam to your daily routine.


If the bitter taste of the powdered Phenylpiracetam is a problem, then you may want to look for an alternative nootropic that gives you many of the same benefits. To help you with this, we have chosen a nootropic alternative that still falls under the same family, racetams.


Some people have a hard time sticking to something when it tastes terrible. If you are using phenylpiracetam in powder form, you will see that it is very bitter. It may require you using something with a strong flavor to mix it into or adding some sort of sugar substitute to combat the bitterness.

If you don’t want to go through all of that and want something that will give you some of the same benefits, we suggest Aniracetam. This nootropic is still part of the family and, therefore, will help with anxiety, cognitive abilities, and memory.

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it, our look at the benefits and everything you need to know about Phenylpiracetam. Hopefully, everything we have just looked at has helped you in your decision-making process.

Phenylpiracetam is a nootropic that works to help boost your mood and improve your cognitive skills and abilities. If you struggle with any of these two issues, then considering adding this to your stack or simply using it on its own could help you immensely.

There are many Phenylpiracetam products available but the one we highly recommend is this one from Nootropics Depot.


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