How to Unlock Your Brain’s Full Potential

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The human mind is immensely complex and full of hidden intricacies and untapped potential, the extent of which we still have yet to discover. Although we still have a ways to go in unraveling the mysteries of the mind, we have made some incredible discoveries in our pursuit of maximizing the power of the human brain.

The brain is the biological equivalent to a supercomputer, controlling each and every one of our most basic impulses and actions, our every thought, our every feeling. Unlike other computers, however, determining the processes of your brain is not as simple as clicking an icon on a screen. Still, there are several behaviors that can potentially shape your mind to your liking for the better.

We cannot stress this enough – drinking from this vast fountain of knowledge is the key to unlocking the heights of your success. You need to learn to master your own mind, because it masters you. Luckily, you are not alone in your pursuit of unlocking your brain’s full potential – we are right here with you.

We have some basic suggestions that will help you along on your quest for success. If that sounds intriguing, then read on to find out how to unlock your brain’s full potential.

Change Your Beliefs

As much as your mind can help you, it can also work against you. This is especially true for the later years of your life when you have already established much about yourself and the world around you. Some of these beliefs may be beneficial, but others can have a negative impact.

For example, you may be of the mind that you cannot learn any more than you already know, that the mastery of your own mind will forever be out of reach. You essentially impose these debilitating restrictions on yourself, and as a result, you may never truly grow beyond them.

The solution to this problem is simple in its eloquence yet difficult to pull off, and that is to change your beliefs. You will not accomplish this overnight – changing the way you think about things is never easy, but with enough time and persistence on your part, you will eventually be able to open up your mind to new and exciting ideas once more.

Put the work in to change your beliefs. Expose yourself to new things. Venture far beyond the confines of your comfort zone. It may seem intimidating, but we guarantee you that you will not regret it.

Get the Right Knowledge

Speaking of exposing yourself to new things, it is more than possible that you have been feeding your brain thoughts that may not be as beneficial as you think, or worse, things that are outright counterintuitive.

What is the Solution?

For starters, anyone reading this article has access to plenty of resources – the internet is a vast archive of ideas, thoughts, and opinions. If the digital equivalent of a library does not appeal much to you, then a real one will do.

Of course, there is a huge difference between opinion and fact, and if you are not aware of this difference, the two can quickly become one and the same in your mind. To avoid this, you will need to consult with multiple sources, and it is more than likely that you will eventually form opinions of your own based on the new facts you discover.

However, be careful not to grow complacent, and do not allow your search for knowledge to stagnate – for every opinion, there is a counter-opinion, and for every fact, there is an alternative fact. Keep exposing yourself to new things, and your mind will prosper.

Biohacking 1

Be Passionate About the Learning Process

Many people – at some point or another – have had to sit in front of some thick textbook in the dead of the night and try to cram in as much information as possible before the next exam or assessment. Because of this, it is easy to hate the learning process, and we understand if the sight of study material triggers a PTSD episode.

However, you should try to see past the supposed confines of sitting in front of a book or computer screen. Though learning may be a solitary process at times, it also opens you up to new and exciting worlds you may never have dreamed of visiting. Plus, we can all stand to learn a lot more.

To this end, it is imperative that we become passionate about learning because the more passionate we are, the more we will inevitably learn.

Finding out new things can also motivate you to learn even more, especially when the knowledge you acquire can be applied to your everyday life.

Be Disciplined

One thing you should keep in mind at all times is that this quest for knowledge is never finished. There is always more to be learned and more to discover.

That being said, it can be difficult to stay the course. There are so many distractions that will be placed in your path that can easily hinder your progress. However, rather than shake and quiver in the face of these obstacles, treat them instead as challenges – they are there to test you and your discipline.

The best way to overcome any obstacle is to take your time, and since learning is never done, you may as well go at your own pace. Just be sure to never stop. Until someone invents a module that can be plugged into your brain and instantly transmit new ideas and concepts into your mind, you are on your own.

Above all, stay the course, do not stop, and keep going.

Biohack Your Brain With Nootropics

While we will always champion the methods we have listed above, there are some things you can use to further enhance your mind, unlocking its full potential even further: nootropics.

Nootropics are sometimes referred to as “smart drugs”, and it is not hard to see why – these psychoactive stimulants can give you that boost to your brain power that you need. Like all drugs though, they should be used with caution.

Still, plenty of people have sworn by the benefits of nootropics, and they are definitely something to keep in mind while on your journey to unlocking your brain’s full potential.

If you are wondering where to start with nootropics, we have a few suggestions below:

Modafinil: Modafinil is by far the most popular smart drug out there. Its effects are wide and varied, and they all have the potential to greatly boost your brain power. Specifically, modafinil enhances your focus, while also clearing your mind, potentially being able to boost your long-term memory. The side-effects are minor, and should not be prevalent unless you abuse the substance.

Nicotine: We know what you are thinking, but nicotine can actually be very beneficial to your brain – when it is used safely and sparingly, of course. Like modafinil, nicotine can enhance your focus and improve your mood. To use it safely, follow this guide.

Amphetamine: Definitely use this with the utmost caution, as the drawbacks can be incredibly severe even if the benefits are great.


As we have said before, tapping into your brain’s potential can be crucial to achieving the success that has long been kept out of your reach. Hopefully, with these suggestions, you will be able to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Keep learning, and we guarantee that you will get there eventually.

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