ONNIT Total Human Review

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  • Comprehensive supplement
  • Contains various vitamins and minerals
  • Two different packs
  • Easy to use
  • Can be taken on the go


  • Quite pricey

We all know how many thousands of vitamin and mineral supplements there are out there and how much it would cost to buy all of them. Most of them are nowhere near as helpful as they claim to be, and weeding out the bad ones from the good ones can be quite a nightmare.

Thankfully, ONNIT has created a solution to this dilemma in the form of Total Human. It is a collection of only the most valuable and essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that have been clinically-proven as beneficial. Read on to learn more about ONNIT Total Human.

ONNIT Total Human Review



ONNIT Total Human contains all of the essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that your body needs to be as healthy and optimized as possible. It is a total reimagining of the everyday multivitamin and combines a number of top-quality ONNIT formulas into one cohesive product.

It is specially balanced to support the bones, brain, and joints, as well as boost your energy, mood, and immune health. It’s not a ‘magic pill’, as you might think when hearing this description.

The formula is delivered in convenient night and day packs, ensuring that your body receives the proper nutrition it needs at the times that it needs it. The Day Pack is meant to make you more alert in the mornings, more focused at work, and boosts energy for physical activities.

On the other hand, the Night Pack helps you become relaxed in the evenings and promotes better, deeper sleep. This is a great solution for those who are sick of buying dozens of different vitamins from different brands and who want to make the supplementation simpler.

Who is This Supplement Pack For?

Like we said, this is an excellent solution for those who enjoy the benefits provided by multivitamins and regular vitamins but don’t want to have to continually purchase dozens of different brands and containers of capsules. This condenses the multivitamin experience into two convenient packs.

It’s also a viable solution for those who are inexperienced with vitamins and want to be able to experience their benefits but don’t know where to start. The Day and Night packs from ONNIT Total Human provide a comprehensive collection of vitamins and minerals, so you’ll never have to wander down the aisles of a drugstore again.

As with any non-prescription drug or medication, you will want to consult your doctor before taking any of the ONNIT Total Human vitamins. You might not know if you are allergic to some of the ingredients or if they will conflict with any medications you are already on.

It’s also important to talk to a medical professional if you are unsure about these kinds of products and their nutritional value. They will be able to give you all of the information and insight that you need.

What’s Included?

As we mentioned previously, ONNIT Total Human comes with two different ‘packs’ of vitamins, namely the Day Pack and the Night Pack. The contents of each of these are designed to do different things, as your body needs additional vitamins for different times of the day.

Day Pack

The Day Pack is designed to support energy, focus, endurance, and general wellness so that you can perform your best throughout the day.

It contains Alpha Brain, which is ONNIT’s flagship nootropic formula that improves memory, mental speed, and focus. It also contains Shroom Tech SPORT, which supports cardiovascular endurance and cellular energy.

Next, it contains ONNIT Stron Bone, which was created to aid your body in building bone strength and integrity, with boron, strontium, and other vitamins. Finally, it contains Total Human B Complex, a collection of B-vitamins that supports cognitive performance, energy production, and neural communication.

Night Pack

As you probably already know, your mental, physical, and emotional states are different at night than what they are during the day. The Night Pack helps you relax and get ready for bed while nourishing your body with raw materials that will help you feel energized when you wake up.

It contains ONNIT New MOOD, which is a stress-response formula containing lemon balm, valerian root, and other ingredients that support the production of serotonin. Next, it has ViruTech, which is a Vitamin C, zinc, and selenium formulation providing support to the immune system.

Finally, it contains ONNIT Key Minerals, consisting of calcium, boron, magnesium, iodine, and molybdenum that optimize the body.

Overview of ONNIT Total Human

The Day Pack and Night Pack are designed for different times of the day, and their ingredient make-up differs from each other. Where the Day Pack aims to help you feel more motivated and energized during the day, the Night Pack is meant to help you unwind during the evening.

The Total Human packs were created to be the foundation for healthy supplementation, whether you are getting your nutrition on the go or at home. You should use them as a starting point, then decide what you might want to add and remove from there.

You can also use Total Human with any other ONNIT products, as they are designed to be synergistic.

How to Use ONNIT Total Human

As a supplement to your diet, you should take one Day Pack in the morning or early in the afternoon with a light meal. One Night Pack should be taken in the evening before you go to sleep, with a light meal or snack.

Be sure to consult a medical professional before taking any dietary supplement. This is especially true if you are nursing or pregnant or have an existing medical condition. Always keep them out of reach of children.


If you don’t want to purchase something as comprehensive as ONNIT’s Total Human but still want to supplement your diet with vitamins, you could try some of their other products. Products like Alpha Brain or New Mood serve similar purposes to the Total Human packs, but without as many vitamins.

Wrapping Up

The ONNIT Total Human kit is a good solution for those who want to simplify their vitamin supplements and condense them into one, easy-to-use pack. Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.


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